Happy Flow: 10X your Focus, Happiness & Sleep with our Gut-Brain Supplements

Superflow: Transform your LIFE

RN, Breathmaster, Hypnotherapist, Coach, Empress

TRUST YOUR BODY - and PROGRAM the CODES you have been living with for way too long.

If you grew up in a chaotic or trauma filled environment, changes are it either crushed you OR you became an absolute High Performing, Go - Getter, Optimistic Powerhouse! 

Always finding endless solutions and becoming the one, EVERYONE knew they could count on.

Until one day you said: enough. Either you Burned-out, or you decided that this simply is not a way you want to live anymore.

You know that taking another job, starting another business, following yet another health trend, is not your answer. 

So what if you could trust your feminine flow, the language of your body, the pleasure and contentment once again. And what if in that flow you could make  make crucial (and minor) decisions that are good for you &your life: to feel happier, to be healthier, and to allow work & wealth on your terms. 

If so ,come and join us. We are Cutting Edge, Paradigm Shifting Women who are ready to HAVE it ALL, but not do it all. 

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For the woman who wants it all... but NOT do it all.

The woman who is ready to take brave action towards her boldest vision. 

Who is ready to impact the world on her terms, waking up every day with her future on her heart. 

So..yes ..Let's Have it all - but stop doing it all, and let's stop the endless proving of ourselves.

The key to a successful life is less about hustling and doing it all, but more about expressing your powerful desires & leadership in this world. 

Let's optimize your brain, release emotional trauma & create the ultimate leadership flow & structures you need to optimize your life & career. 

The life & income you have been waiting for is so waiting for you. 

It just takes...FLOW! 


30 days to step out of Burn Out and Procrastination into a Life on Fire. Annemarie provides a channel for High Performing Women who are ready to ONLY live in their Truth on a very deep level. We get you out of your trauma, complete the past, and help you recognize and step into your true connected, authentic Genius. 

I am Curious


Go deep in our Immersive Seminars & Retreats to break free of your past, and experience a life changing SUPERFLOW state. In our retreats we harness the power of multiple energies to complete the past, and start living in a true authentic state of connection. 

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Uplevel to the Highest Timeline in ONE month. This is for those who truly feel they are ready to transform their lives at unbelievable speeds. In this program we connect personally by phone or zoom every single day for 30 days to recode and reconnect every single part of your life to your Highest Timeline. Contact Annemarie to see if this is a fit. 

Contact Annemarie


Earn More, Keep More, Do More. In Empress Wealth, we expand our financial freedom and legacy by combining our strengths as women. We find the best projects and businesses and share them within our INNER CIRCLE. Come join Us. Let's pop some Millionaires

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"Before you when we started last year I was averaging $4-6,000 per month. After I started with you I averaged 25,000-40,000 a month. It wasn’t anything specific that you told me to do. But it was that I had someone to bounce ideas that could get me to creatively come up with business strategies. You help foster and bring out the best in me. I like that you don’t infringe on my company by telling me what I should or shouldn’t do as it’s my company. Instead you encourage me to dig deep and reach higher and helped me believe I’m worth it. 💕 I think initially as business owners we all start because we are wanting to make money. But once the money starts rolling in it becomes about something so much more. It then becomes about how to actually enjoy life with those you care about AND running a company in a way that provides freedom- not tying me down to be a part of every single little thing. And then of course discovering how to grow MYSELF too, not just my company."

Jacqueline Merville
Founder Practical Website Design

""I will never let anyone or anything stop me from shining ever again." This past year was a year of personal growth and emotional healing for me. The absolute best decision I made this year was to invest in a personal coach to help me in these areas. The work I accomplished on my inside is shining through and I will NEVER let anyone or anything stop me from shining ever again. Thank you Annemarie Tolman for helping me find the Light and climb out of a dark place. When I was able to open my heart again, I had room for the most amazing people and they found their way into my life. I am thankful for new friends and business partners that I enjoy working with and doing our part to change the world together. – Deanna Johns Nichols"

Deanna Nichols
DoTerra Blue Diamond

"A greater trust in my inner voice & ability to ACT faster than ever before Annemarie has a gift for helping you look deep inside yourself to not only challenge yourself, but to love yourself and trust yourself. Thus creating a decisive ability for action while also recognizing your chapters of receiving. A beautiful balancing of life as it flows to you. It has been a joy working with Annemarie. There have been many changes within me but I have truly enjoyed the confidence I have developed in myself. I have noticed a greater sense of peace while balancing the many rolls I play in my life. Greater trust in my inner voice and a willingness and ability to ACT faster than I ever have before. While in my adult life I have gathered much information through my life’s experiences, the mentoring process has brought all the bits and pieces I have learned in my past and have organize them in my mind, leading me to greater knowledge and deeper understanding of some of life’s most important principles. Principles I believe anyone who has a desire for success needs to understand. "

Natalie Hill
Doterra Blue Diamond

"Improving my personal and emotional health, marriage, and professional goals There are few instances in life, I believe, that redefine the person in truly profound ways. At the end of my journey in this world I will look back and recognize my time with Annemarie as one of those instances. She has made all the difference since our first session, with improving my personal and emotional health, marriage, and professional goals . How do you express appreciation for such a gift, except by recognizing what an eternal debt of gratitude I bear for all that she has done? Annemarie is welcoming, remarkably insightful, and exudes such peace and clarity that in just weeks she helped me shed so many weighing burdens that had accrued over decades. Her gifts are extraordinary, with a shown talent to build an individual into the mold God intended. And I appreciate the added measures she provides, such as the occasional text messages of encouragement, ongoing post-session energy work, and recorded visualizations that create such lasting and clear impressions. As I said, she has made all the difference."

George Simonds
Director, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Protection Programs

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